Sunday 4 January 2015

how to make your own Game like Templw Run

Shams Khan Swati :-

Yes, you read it right! We will be making our own Subway Surfer or 
Temple Run game. But, keep in mind that we won't reach the levels of the actual game, yet. Since these tutorials are for beginners, we will keep it as simple as we can. Perchance, we will add more features and intelligence to our game as we get a grip on this.

What do I need to build this game?
Well, all you need is a game engine called Unity3d. Get a free version of the same from the official website, here. If you are wealthy enough or if you could afford to buy a pro version, nobody can stop you, well almost! You can buy the pro version here.

What exactly do I need to know before I start with these tutorials?
A programming background is all you need to have. Experience in Unity3d makes your task that easier. don't lose faith if you don't. That's what I'm here for! You can count on me.

What is the concept of this game?
The concept of this game is fairly simple, all you need to do is run, run and run. Of course, you have to avoid all the obstacles and collect all the helpers to help boost your score. This. probably is the basic idea of the game, but then I don't want to have any fixed features to this game as I might add more features to this game once we grow in stature as a Game Contriver.   

These are the three basic questions that I thought needed to be answered before we started developing this game. So yeah, that's pretty much it. Let's get started!

P.S. - We will be calling this game The Road Runner! (Ah, nostalgic. Isn't it?)

If you are thinking whether this tutorial is worth the time- well, check out the Resourcespage and download the completed version of this game that you would make.

Or perhaps you can watch the video of the gameplay below:

The Road Runner Tutorial 1: Setting Up The World
The Road Runner Tutorial 2: Setting Up The World Continued
The Road Runner Tutorial 3: Adding A Character To Our Game
The Road Runner Tutorial 4: Set The Ground Moving
The Road Runner Tutorial 5: Adding Snags and Powerups to Our Game
The Road Runner Tutorial 6: Collecting The Snags and Powerups
The Road Runner Tutorial 7: Adding Gameplay Logic
The Road Runner Tutorial 8: Creating a Custom GUI Skin
The Road Runner Tutorial 9: Creating a Pause Menu
The Road Runner Tutorial 10: Adding Countdown and Main Menu
The Road Runner Tutorial 11: Adding Sound Effects To Our Game
The Road Runner Tutorial 12: Porting The Game To Android


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